End-of-year “roll-over”
End-of-year “roll-over”#
Single-year datasets retrieved from the PSM3 API with utc=false
have a quirk where the last few hours in the dataset are technically from the prior year.
I guess the reason is due to a process roughly as follows:
The API grabs a calendar year of data in UTC
The API converts to local time, thereby shifting a few January hours into the previous December
The API takes those few hours in the previous year and puts them at the end of the dataset, thereby creating a complete calendar year again
In any case, it can create some minor inconsistencies in the last N hours of the dataset, where N is the location’s UTC offset. This notebook shows how it introduces discontinuities in temperature and humidity. The Solar Position notebook shows how it affects the solar position calculation.
import pvlib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
lat, lon = 40, -120
# note: get_psm3() specifies utc=false internally.
# nothing special about this place and time, other than the discontinuities
# being visually obvious.
df, meta = pvlib.iotools.get_psm3(lat, lon, 'DEMO_KEY', 'assessingsolar@gmail.com',
names=2018, interval=5, map_variables=True, leap_day=True,
attributes=['air_temperature', 'surface_pressure',
'total_precipitable_water', 'relative_humidity'])
# drop nuisance cols, only keep the ones we want:
df = df[['temp_air', 'pressure', 'precipitable_water', 'relative_humidity']]
Taking a look at the last few hours of the year, notice the discontinuities:
axes = df.loc['2018-12-29':].plot(subplots=True)
boundary = df.index[-1] + df.index[-1].utcoffset()
for ax in axes:
ax.axvline(boundary, ls=':', c='k')
Now, let’s move those last few hours back to the beginning where they originally came from. See how nicely it joins up with the rest of the data?
df_shift = df.copy()
df_shift.index = np.where(df_shift.index > boundary,
df_shift.index - pd.DateOffset(years=1),
df_shift = df_shift.sort_index()
axes = df_shift.loc[:'2018-01-02'].plot(subplots=True)
for ax in axes:
ax.axvline(df.index[0], ls=':', c='k')
%load_ext watermark
%watermark --iversions -u -d -t
Last updated: 2022-09-21 18:07:13
numpy : 1.22.3
pandas: 1.5.0
pvlib : 0.9.3
[ ]: